Saturday, July 31, 2010


New Drink
 A handful of grapes /A handful of strawberries /Simple syrup or Agave Nectar
Sparkling Lemonade / A squeeze of lime /A splash of grapefruit juice/ Shaven ice
Add all ingredients except Sparkling Lemonade & ice to blender.
Once in glass add Sparkling Lemonade and top with ice... 
Champagne,  Soda Water or even Rum can be used to in place of the lemonade ... Enjoy!


Back On My Grind...

As some of you may know... I am rebuilding my body. When I say this, I mean by diet and exercise of course. I am not obsessed with body image. I do however, want to maintain a healthy life style and implement as many holistic practices as I can. The plan is to flush, cleanse and detox most of the day... then commit to eating a couple raw portions during and into the latter part of the afternoon. Drinking as many homemade fruit, herb and vegetable drinks as I feel needed. I will continue this for a week, after which I will stay on a 80% raw diet.

 photos by: LOFTINSIGNIA

I still have a ways to go.... I happen to be a pretty decent photographer! (In my mind). Therefore the imperfections are professionally hidden ; ) I'm marchin on in spite of the slow progress.... I know all good things come with time and patience, but isn't it amazing how many foods you crave when you are on a diet! Thankfully, I do know that this is only symptoms of those addictions dying physically and mentally. Well, I plan on fighting a good fight and keeping you guys posted along the way.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


In the past I've had the tendency of giving so much of myself, there would be little left over for me. Needless to say.. I soon began learning how detrimental this was for my well being and I began certain rituals in my life.

As soon as I notice my patience becoming short, or simple task frustrate the heck out of me, I know it's time to make a mandatory date with myself to regroup and restore. I find it even more important when I am in the mode of creating, it can be a grueling and straining process.

Sources:   Image 1    Candles      Incense    Budda

Whether you are in a state of stagnancy, or need some serious YOU time, implementing simple practices can change the energy around you and open up your senses.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My Current Anthem...

I just can't get enough of this song... Right, Right, Right, Right Left...Right, Right Right, Right Left... Marchin On!


Image sources: image1 Wine Caipirinha 
Image2 CinnamonBasilBlackberryGinger
 Image3 Aperol Spritz
Image4&5 Trio Collins Violet Fizz/ Cajan Lemonade

Today there is much cause for celebration... I am now 9 month free of smoking! I am too proud of myself. I always knew I had the ability to do it... it was just me having to learn how to get out of my own way. The person I now see emerging from the clearing of the smoke is ... phenomenal! I pray anyone out there struggling with any addiction realizes that all things are possible. When you truly are at your wits end of settling for a mediocre existence ... you make the necessary and sometimes scary steps to change your life. "Quitting " or as I like to call it "Beginning" something has all to do with your desire and determination. Period. I know this from experience in many aspects of my life. Yes, there are hard days... but the good more than out weigh the bad, and I am thankful for the ability to have finally turned my back on that no good, old foe.... for good.

Above are some delicious cocktails/drinks that I enjoy from time to time. Be advised... you don't have to add any alcohol to your drinks... and they be just as enjoyable. You can even add ginger to your drink to give it some fire. It's all about perception! I have found mixed drinks to be very helpful in my past struggle of transitioning from soda pop and highly sweetened fruit juices. Mixed drinks give you the freedom to exercise your palate with an array exotic fruits, spices and mixtures the possibilities are limitless. Total Delishness....

Well... I'm off to celebrate the day, I wish all of you the very best in all of your endeavors.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

To Thine Self Be True...

 image via:
Don't you just love it .. when you have those days, where you feel like you can take on the world...YEAH! Come at me... I'm waiting! Well I had one of those today. Out of no where you are reminded of all those special qualities that you possess, the ones that have always been with you, that will never go anywhere... The ones you just pushed to the side... filed away.... while maybe getting too caught up in the monotony. The main qualities that matter at the end of the day. The stuff that no one can take away from you, that no one can impersonate. The unique... unapologetic .... undeniable ... YOU. 

At the same time... I crave for so much MORE...but who doesn't. It's what keeps us passionate about being alive... but that wanting in me....involves knowing, feeling and understanding. Surpassing blocks. Blocks that keep me from getting the true essence of living .....of loving.

When I travel the world,  I want to be able to grasp everything possible that will come with that experience. I pray to be capable of absorbing everything down to the sounds, smells and tastes. This is only possible when you allow the light in. No boundaries in mind or spirit. I guess the meat of it is limits. Limits we sometimes put on ourselves without realizing it. We may think we are bold in the way we dress, speak or present ourselves.. but are we bold in being completely who we know we are. Or, are we starring in an "UN-reality show?" Doing what others expect of us. Playing the rebel, bitch or even victim because that's what is expected or just being afraid. Meanwhile, missing out on precious ............(again) .........precious time. 

What the f**k was that?............Growth ... I guess.