Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lord Give Me Strength....

Today has been one of those days that reveals it's ugly head from time to time. I am slightly worn down and tired, tired of wondering and worrying.

You know... I broke a mirror yesterday while rearranging furniture. As soon as I heard that huge KABOOOM.... I knew things would change. Although I'm familiar with the old legend/super fiction concerning a broken mirror,  relief strangely hit me. Somehow, I knew things were about to change for the better.

Change has been inching it's way into my life slowly by surely this year. Mostly in ways that I don't fully understand. For me, that always seems to be the way it works. Revelations come to me in very small puzzle pieces, thrown about for me to gather.

Not being a complainer, I usually take my beatings standing up swinging, but I must be honest... I'm whipped. Please don't think I have given up.. it's just this whipping has humbled me, in a way that I never saw coming. Let me say for the record... I SURRENDER!

Well, my "Birthday" and my 'Non -Smoking One Year Anniversary' are both coming up. So I guess this may add some significance to my current state. Whatever the answer, I ask God for continued strength through it all. I will prepare to work very hard and not make any excuses. I will set goals and complete them.

To my listening audience ;0
Please pray for me... I have some steep climbing to do!

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