Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tony Roma's

   ... just some food for thought


I attended a luncheon today at Tony Roma's in Bayside Queens, NY. I truly enjoyed it, and found myself in good company. The patio area is divine, and makes for a great dining experience. I must keep this spot in mind for future hang-out dates.

Today's outing, reminded me of the importance of getting together with friends and family to shoot the breeze every now and again. Life is so short, and you can't afford to take any of these precious moments for granted. If you have beautiful people in your life that request your attention, then you are truly blessed. Hey... even invite those that you at times have difficulty with. You may find that all that was needed was a little consideration and understanding.

Lately, I read somewhere that people on a whole just want one simple thing... to be accepted.
Some find this to be degrading. The ego storms in and tells us that we don't need to be accepted by anyone!  
Also, we look at the need to feel accepted as an insecurity or inadequacy, and this couldn't be farther from the truth.

True meaning of acceptance....
  • the act of taking or receiving something offered.

  • favorable reception; approval; favor.

Wow... Could it all be so simple? Are we all that same little boy or girl that walked into the birthday party searching for a friendly face. Maybe somebody offers you the best that they have to offer, and it is constantly disregarded.

To add to this: I must say....often acceptance is used as a weapon. We all hear of the cases where being shut out caused someone to take drastic measures, and although some of us may require a bit more acceptance than others, I do believe it is a common denominator in all of us. We all share the desire to feel needed, thought of, and at the end of the day.........YEP .... accepted.

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