Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Making of ...

So guys...I finally have a Singer sewing machine... and yep...
I'm tickled pink and purple about it! So... Dashielle (the cat) and I, decided it was time to do some experimenting. I have been holding on to some old material, and of course this 
was the perfect opportunity to do some ...creating.
Dashielle however, decided that he wanted to be involved in the process, and although I'm sure he had the greatest of intentions... I could have done without his help...smh

After some disciplinary action....
We were back on track, and I even managed to make three headbands and earring sets that I will be rockin this summer! The project gave me some great ideas. Stay tuned, There will be some very interesting things coming soon.
Here is one of those sets.... Still working on the other earring.
Can you say... T E D I O U S!

Here's to a job well done Dashielle. How cute are you...


  1. Aww the girls thought these pictures were so cute! Those are shone fly accessories you made there!

  2. Thank you Shawnta... That means a lot. I am working hard to get a line together as we speak. Tell the girl that Dashielle is a character and there will plenty more appearances from him :)

    Thanks for stopping by...
